15 Ways to Make Minnesota Winter Fun at Home

In 2021, it will take bundling up, seeing our surroundings anew, delving into fresh pursuits, and practicing patience to get us through the cold and the pandemic’s changing stages. (That, and some takeout fried chicken or new cookbooks.)

The season doesn’t have to be all blankets, Netflix, and booze—nor should it be none. The experiences we can share safely will get us through. Plus, those epic sunrises and sunsets bookending the days ahead. The world has already created enough for this to be an unforgettable winter. Now, add the tricks up our merino wool sleeves. Here are some moves—ranging from aspirational to totally doable—for the winter months ahead.

Read the entire article here.

This story was a collaboration with Reed Fischer and appeared in the Jan/Feb 2021 issue of Minnesota Monthly.